Exercise 5 Extending R with packages

R has no built-in functions for survival analysis but, because it is an extensible system, survival analysis is available as an add-in package. You can find a list of add-in packages at the R website.


Add-in packages are installed from the Internet. There are a series of R functions that enable you to download and install add-in packages.

The survival package adds functions to R that enable it to analyse survival data. This package may be downloaded and installed using install.packages("survival") or from the Packages or Packages & Data menu if you are using a GUI version of R.

Packages are loaded into R as they are needed using the library() function. Start R and load the survival package:




Before we go any further we should retrieve a dataset:


ca <- read.table("ca.dat", header = TRUE)


The columns in this dataset on the survival of cancer patients in two different treatment groups are as follows:


time Survival or censoring time (months)
status Censoring status (1=dead, 0=censored)
group Treatment group (1 / 2)


We next need to create a survival object from the time and status variables using the Surv() function:


response <- Surv(time, status)


We can then specify the model for the survival analysis. In this case we state that survival (response) is dependent upon the treatment group:


ca.surv <- survfit(response ~ group)


The summary() function applied to a survfit object lists the survival probabilities at each time point with 95% confidence intervals:


## Call: survfit(formula = response ~ group)
##                 group=1 
##  time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
##     8     22       1    0.955  0.0444       0.8714        1.000
##     9     21       1    0.909  0.0613       0.7966        1.000
##    13     19       1    0.861  0.0744       0.7270        1.000
##    14     17       1    0.811  0.0856       0.6591        0.997
##    18     16       1    0.760  0.0940       0.5963        0.968
##    19     15       1    0.709  0.1005       0.5373        0.936
##    21     14       1    0.659  0.1053       0.4814        0.901
##    23     13       1    0.608  0.1087       0.4282        0.863
##    30     10       1    0.547  0.1136       0.3643        0.822
##    31      9       1    0.486  0.1161       0.3046        0.776
##    32      8       1    0.426  0.1164       0.2489        0.727
##    34      7       1    0.365  0.1146       0.1971        0.675
##    48      5       1    0.292  0.1125       0.1371        0.621
##    56      3       1    0.195  0.1092       0.0647        0.585
##                 group=2 
##  time n.risk n.event survival std.err lower 95% CI upper 95% CI
##     4     24       1   0.9583  0.0408      0.88163        1.000
##     5     23       2   0.8750  0.0675      0.75221        1.000
##     6     21       1   0.8333  0.0761      0.69681        0.997
##     7     20       1   0.7917  0.0829      0.64478        0.972
##     8     19       2   0.7083  0.0928      0.54795        0.916
##     9     17       1   0.6667  0.0962      0.50240        0.885
##    11     16       1   0.6250  0.0988      0.45845        0.852
##    12     15       1   0.5833  0.1006      0.41598        0.818
##    21     12       1   0.5347  0.1033      0.36614        0.781
##    23     11       1   0.4861  0.1047      0.31866        0.742
##    27     10       1   0.4375  0.1049      0.27340        0.700
##    28      9       1   0.3889  0.1039      0.23032        0.657
##    30      8       1   0.3403  0.1017      0.18945        0.611
##    32      7       1   0.2917  0.0981      0.15088        0.564
##    33      6       1   0.2431  0.0930      0.11481        0.515
##    37      5       1   0.1944  0.0862      0.08157        0.464
##    41      4       2   0.0972  0.0650      0.02624        0.360
##    43      2       1   0.0486  0.0473      0.00722        0.327
##    45      1       1   0.0000     NaN           NA           NA


Printing the ca.surv object provides another view of the results:


## Call: survfit(formula = response ~ group)
##          n events median 0.95LCL 0.95UCL
## group=1 22     14     31      21      NA
## group=2 24     22     23      11      37


The plot() function with a survfit object displays the survival curves:


plot(ca.surv, xlab = "Months", ylab = "Survival")


We can make it easier to distinguish between the two lines by specifying a width for each line using thelwd parameter of the plot() function:


plot(ca.surv, xlab = "Months", ylab = "Survival", lwd = c(1, 2))


It would also be useful to add a legend:


legend(125, 1, names(ca.surv$strata), lwd = c(1, 2))


If there is only one survival curve to plot then plotting a survfit object will plot the survival curve with 95% confidence limits. You can specify that confidence limits should be plotted when there is more than one survival curve but the results can be disappointing:


plot(ca.surv, conf.int = TRUE)


Plots can be improved by specifying different colours for each curve:


plot(ca.surv, conf.int = TRUE, col = c("red", "darkgreen"))


We can perform a formal test of the two survival times using the survdiff() function:


survdiff(response ~ group)
## Call:
## survdiff(formula = response ~ group)
##          N Observed Expected (O-E)^2/E (O-E)^2/V
## group=1 22       14     21.1      2.38      6.26
## group=2 24       22     14.9      3.36      6.26
##  Chisq= 6.3  on 1 degrees of freedom, p= 0.01


We can now quit R:




For this exercise there is no need to save the workspace image so click the No or Don’t Save button (GUI) or enter n when prompted to save the workspace image (terminal).

5.1 Summary

  • R can be extended by adding additional packages. Some packages are included with the standard R installation but many others are available and may be downloaded from the Internet.

  • You can find a list of add-in packages at the R website: http://www.r-project.org/

  • Packages may also be downloaded and installed from this site using the install.packages() function or from the Packages or Packages & Data menu if you are using a GUI version of R.

  • Packages are loaded into R as they are needed using the library() function. You can use the search() function to display a list of loaded packages and attached data.frames.